Interesting little promotion that welcomed me as I walked down Queen Street to work the other day. Pair upon pair of legs attached to trees. Attached to lamp posts. To walls.

Being the curious lass I am, I went in for a closer look:

Now, at this point, the legs with stockings on them called "Queen Of..." my guess was that this promotion was either something to so with stockings OR there was a new 'Queen' bar opening up on Queen Street. Either makes sense to me.
In actual fact, however, it was seem that Queen Of... has something to do with razors and shaving apparatus. When I followed the instructions and went to 'Like' their Facebook page, they had a grand total of about 30 fans. The instructions on the legs were to then post the unique number onto their wall to win get prize.
So, there are 2 problems that I can see with this campaign.
1. That's totally against all of Facebook's rules on how you run a competition. Posting on a wall to win a prize or competition, big Facebook no no. You need an app for that sort of thing kids!
2. Not sure if the promotion really worked:

It seems like a lot of work for only 100 additional fans. The stockings alone would have cost a decent amount of money, let alone the man power to dress the legs and place them around town. Not sure this exercise will have paid off for them, considering the investment for the promotion and then what they gave away:

Of course I claimed my free razor. Yes please. But how many did they give away? Obviously no more than 100, but still.
It will be interesting to see if the product is any good. If I saw this sitting in the supermarket next to a Venus, I will go for the 'feel like a goddess' line every time, not the razor for a 'Queen'. I just think that there is something a little off with the packaging and marketing on this product.
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