Friday, May 15, 2009

Separating the IB from the IAB

In AdMedia’s Fastline - May 14, 2009

‘The internet advertising bureau is holding a free acquisition marketing online event on Tuesday 19th May at [details details] “Fine tune your acquisition advertising and achieve ROI using online marketing tools,” says the IAB release. The speakers at the MSN-sponsored function are IAB md Deborah Davenport [more details].

The IAB says previous events have been standing room only, “so make sure you RSVP” [more details...]’

I’m going to hope like anything that this is not the actual release that the Internet Bureau sent out, as if they are trying to boost off the back of the Interactive Advertising Bureau – the actual IAB – then for SHAME! However, I am picking that this is a typical Fastline mix up. Either way, I wouldn’t be too impressed if I was the IAB.

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