Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Love Treasure Hunts!

OK, so this is an interesting one...

Saturday the 6th of June there is going to be a treasure hunt in Wellington. What kind of treasure are we hunting... why that would be diamonds! Diamonds in the form of a ring, and a ring that looks like this:

It has a nice little certification that goes with it that looks like this:
So, what's this all about then?? Story goes, guy bought ring for girl, girl didn't want ring. Guy couldn't give it to another, and doesn't want to sell it. Guy also happens to be the guy behind Donoogle.com which is a site I blogged about a while ago here (using Google search engine but each search means a donation to charity). Guy decides that rather than just having this ring sitting around, he would create a treasure hunt around Wellington to give away said ring and use it at the same time to promote this choice website which everyone should use!

So the deal is, follow @donoogle_com on Twitter, on Saturday he is going to tweet clues that will eventually lead to a diamond ring (as pictured).

Easy as pie... what else are Wellingtonians going to do on Saturday?

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