For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of seeing the Cadbury full page ad in the Dom Post (and no doubt other main mets) here is the text portion of the ad. Headline is "A Glass and a Half of Facts" (scanner doesn't manage broadsheet).
Considering the damage control required, this seems very weak. And in Section D of the Dom Post - at least pay the loading and get into Section A.
as you said, a glass and a half of spin
What a crock of soothing pacifying blatant patronising crud.
Hopefully everyone can see right through this!
An interesting thing... When the "eyebrows ad" came out I received a letter from Cadbury telling me their chocolate size was changing.
However in that letter (a press release actually) they were very clear that they were also reducing the price accordingly.
I don't remember the exact words, but they made a point that "we reduced the size *AND* price, if you don't see a price reduction blame the supermarket"...
How dare anyone question us I mean we DID our market research how could we possibly be wrong?!?!
Get over yourselves Cadbury.
What a shambles. It was hella embarrassing watching the exec on Campbell live just repeating 'we are not going to play a game of tit for tat' to every slightly tough question.
Sometimes diversion is not the best tactic....
.....and it is a pity that Hazel's blog will be hidden behind a big wall from now on.
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