Monday, July 13, 2009

Using Online for Brand

Sometimes I see an ad online and wonder what the point of having a click through on that ad is. If you have nothing to offer once a user clicks through, what kind of experience are you leaving that user with? Potentially not a good one. However, I don’t think that this should discourage companies from advertising online, even if they don’t have anything to offer specifically online.

Where has this come from? See image below, Trade Me homepage today:

The Instant Kiwi showcase, does not have a click through. I say good on them. You can’t buy instant kiwi’s online – all you can do is find out what other kinds of tickets you can purchase, and any recent big winners. Why would you send anyone through to the site? There is no point.

This would be the joy of brand advertising, which I do believe can work just as hard online, as in other mediums. Sometimes, you just want some phenomenal reach for your brand, and what better way to get mass eyeballs on your brand than advertising on the homepage of Trade Me? An estimated 1.1M page impressions in one day, approx. 375k unique browsers (yes – I have my little black Trade Me ratecard now, thank you!) for less than a ratecard spend 30 second spot on Shortland St… Add in some of the other big publishers over the week, and you could have a pretty far reaching brand campaign, with my smaller production costs than television, and placement also at a fraction of the cost.

I know that one of the main selling points of online is the measurable nature of the medium. x number of people clicked, therefore it costs y
to get x number of people to your site. Well, that is all well and good, but what if there is nothing for a user to do once they get there?

While Instant Kiwi can afford to place media on both television and online, I think it shows some serious recognition of what online can do for brand. Perhaps other companies, who may know their audience is online, but do not have an online (per se) offering, will start using this medium for brand campaigns. That’d be nice to see, and who knows what else might fall out of it.

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