Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Social Media Smarts

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tis the season
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
twt4turkey - take 2

At this point, I am also going to apologise. Sorry. While I would like nothing more than to be 100% positive right now, just not quite in my nature to not say what I think.
I personally think Super Liquor do have a couple of learnings they could take from this, but I'm not sure they have.
I understand the need to defend oneself when you have received some criticism, not sure that this is the way I would have gone, in such an immediate broadcast fashion.

If there were only 2 things that everyone should have taken away from the Cadbury debacle was that
- If people are having a conversation about you in an open forum, it is better for you to be a part of the conversation.
- If it seems like you've f*ed up. Apologise. We'll get over it.
I will absolutely put my hands up and admit that I have my back up now and am on the defense. I believe that what I wrote is fair and that I have some valid points in there. Comments such as the above make me feel like I am an arsehole, and surely that is not the desired outcome?
Hopefully it will make Super Liquor happy to know that I intend on using the vouchers to bring some Christmas cheer to other people, and not myself.
Twitter promotion FAIL
By now a lot of you will know about the @twt4turkey competition/promotion that Super Liquor are running at the moment. This is their twitter page.

Reading further I found this tweet:

They asked that I sign up to their promo on a separate site and that they would send me a voucher. Easy. I can do that. So I did.
Bring on the booze!
Yeah, that was OVER 2 weeks ago.
I'm not being completely unfair on this one. I gave them a chance, after waiting for 2 weeks. In a really nice way too. Being that I use tweetdeck you have to read from the bottom up, sorry.

Now, telling me to stay tuned isn't going to do it for me to be honest. Tell me why I am waiting. Most of the time I am a reasonable person. I'm happy to listen at least. But 'stay tuned'?
As it turns out, I am not the only one who has been waiting... waiting... waiting...
Graeme from AdAgeBusiness has been waiting too. It would seem he has been much more studious than I when it comes to asking Super Liquor what the hold up is, however that part is his story to tell if he so chooses.
Crux of the matter is, when people have started to question Super Liquor as to where the vouchers are, they have said that there was a hold up with Tegal and the vouchers. One small problem there, I'm not waiting for a turkey. Surely Super Liquor have access to their own vouchers?
Graeme and I have even been putting the boot in a little over the last couple of days, in the hopes of eliciting some form of response from twt4turkey, but to no avail. This is a fail in itself.
Why are you not monitoring what is being said about your brand? Again - read from the bottom up kids.

- Don't expect your campaign to fly in 2 seconds, and when it doesn't, throw your rules out the window and just start throwing around prizes - it makes you look like a joke.
- If you are going to start in one place and ask your entrants to move to a new site, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER and think about the information you need to know. When I was filling out the form on Super Liquor site I thought to myself, "hmm, I wonder why they are not asking for my Twitter user name?? How are they going to know who I am?" I am not so bad as I have my real name loaded against my account, but what about those who don't?
- Get your turkeys (I mean ducks) in a row before you commence a promotion. I know you're all excited about the wonderful world of Twitter but secure your prizes before hitting the market. This is just poor organisation.
- When you work out that there is an issue with supply prizes, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS NOT CHRISTMAS (I'm not a Christmassy person) don't continue to give away things you don't have. Fail. Fail. Fail. Having been kept waiting, I thought, I wonder if they have said something in their Twitter feed and halted the promotion until whatever it is gets sorted? Nope. Still promising the world and delivering nothing.
- If you are going to keep a winner (this goes for customers too kids) waiting, keep them informed as to why. Don't, for any reason, let it get to the point where they are hunting you down for answers. Like I said before, on the whole people are reasonable. If you tell them what the issue is, they are much less likely to bitch about you in a public forum.
- If people start bitching about you in a public forum, RESPOND. Seriously, if you are in the space, why aren't you monitoring what people are saying about you? Be a part of the conversation, not the focus of it.
- Finally, if this has been a database building exercise, I would recommend not using said database in the near future, especially to those who you have kept waiting. They will not be happy about that at all (read: me)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Floor Decals
You know how once you have bought something (esp. when it comes to new cars) you suddenly see them everywhere? Well, that's now happening to me with floor decals. Ok, maybe not everywhere, but they were in Wanganui Countdown... Who would have thought??
At any rate, when it comes to FMCG products, floor decals in a supermarket = perfect!
Hmm, booze... What kind of booze do I feel like today? Coupled with a special - this would be super smart.

Thursday, December 3, 2009
World Vision take 2
What I didn't notice was the integration that World Vision has worked into the Stuff site. Well done that person. It is really nicely done and not at all in your face. Good times.
So, below is a shot of the homepage, note the black thing in the top right corner, below that, in the space where Stuff promote blogs or places pull quotes, they have a promo for do-gooder Nathan King - talking about World Vision.

Shows what you can find when you click on through. One day I will take my own advice.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
An open letter...
OK, so, I really love the fact that people enjoy reading what I write and what I have to say. I love the fact that people share what I have to say with others in the industry. Thanks. Really, thanks. If you think that something I have to say is worth sharing, I really appreciate it. Honestly. You guys, rock my world.
Here is what I have to say however. If you have something to say about what I write, then man the F up and comment. Seriously. I don't need to hear that you have any form of an issue about what I write from a 3rd or 4th party. Deal with it. I've already said it, but I'm not about to go back on MY OPINION unless someone gives me facts and figures to say otherwise. If you have an issue then comment on the blog, OR talk to me (FYI - I'd appreciate it if it was outside work hours, because that's when I write the majority of this content).
I'm not going to apologise for voicing my opinion. At the end of the day I'M NOT A SHEEP and I am not going to buy into whatever you're selling if it is not well executed.
Yours truly,
Please don't make me click more than I need to
Here's a close up for you:

Which makes me click again on 'Gifts for your husband or boyfriend' and then I get taken to this:

Why not take me to this page directly? You're not advertising on these pages, so all that you're doing is hiking impressions and annoying me. Doesn't make sense to me, maybe there is a perfectly valid reason for it though?
Monday, November 30, 2009
NZHerald Hate
Coke has decided to un-cork the coke bottle of Summer, and have done so online. Good on them. Nice, easy, broad reach. Makes sense to me.
First thing this morning, Lance Wiggs was on the case and highlighted the homepage takeover on the Herald website. He’s not a fan. That’s fair enough, I can understand. But I’m not sure it can be classified as ‘stupid’. I believe it is what is called being flexible for the clients who enable them to provide a bucket load of news content to us for free.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of the ACTUAL creative, however the nice thing about the creative though, is it gives you the option to go directly to the site. It is quite clear; you don’t have to sit through the ad. More to the point, it is frequency capped, so you only actually have to see it once. That is of course, unless you are trying to make a point and are going through every browser on your computer to play “let’s make a point of this.” Hi... you are HUNTING out this creative now. You are looking for it, it is not targeting you.
The fact that the Herald can serve across browsers should be the point that is being talked about on this one people. Yay. For once I can see what people are talking about on Chrome. This is awesome. I always think that I am potentially missing out on creative executions because I like Chrome, thanks to the Herald, I’m not missing out, which means a great big potential audience across a number of browsers are not missing out. BONUS POINTS!
So what are my main points on this spiel?
- Obviously everyone is using NZHerald. This is great. Go The Herald site. If they weren’t using the Herald we wouldn’t have heard about it being their fault, obviously.
- Good on Herald for supporting more than one browser. Wanna know why you didn’t see the takeover on other sites? Potentially it is because the other sites don’t support browsers other than IE. Guess what, for advertisers, THIS IS A GOOD THING that the Herald does. Not a bad thing.
- It is on the other main sites as well. Hello TV3 and MSN. Look at that, other major publishers who are not willing to turn away advertising dollars.
I regularly bitch about online creative – but it is (more than often) the CREATIVE that I am talking about, not the publisher. Typically if I am talking publisher specific they are having some serious adserving issues or they have taken away formats I like, not because they are willing to keep business ticking over by accepting adspend.
I think people are being just slightly sensitive on this one. You only had to see it once. Get over it.
Love your work NZHerald. Don't stop a-rocking!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Who is AdLand Suit?

Have you heard me talk about AdLand Suit before? I wrote a post about ALS in August after he sent me a postcard from Edinburgh (and a number of other people got them also).
I like the idea of Mr AdLand Suit, I like the fact he is anonymous and he writes a pretty amazing blog. In fact, if I were still a suit I do believe it would my bible, apart from the X-Factor live tweeting. Would live my life by that necessarily, but otherwise he has incredibly sound advice.
So, I gotta admit, part of the intrigue is the fact that he is faceless. We (those of us who live and breathe twitter particularly) spend a lot of our time talking to faceless people online everyday. Sometimes there are 'avatars' but can you ever be sure that the person looks like that in real life? I take all avatars with a grain of salt, lets be fair. ALS on the other hand has never put a face to the name, it is literally a conversation with a faceless person.
Back to the point, he has decided it is time to take off the mask. Dun dun duuunnnnnn...
Not only is he going to answer the question many of us have asked for quite some time, he is using his anonymity, and the curious/generous nature of his followers to do good.
He is taking donations for Marie Curie Cancer Care and once donations reach £1000 he is going to reveal who he is. He is already over £3000, after less than a week. Needless to say, those who follow ALS are chomping at the bit to find out who this man really is. You can read all about it here.
Apparently all will be revealed this week, after he has checked with the place of his employ. I'm looking forward to it, and not at the same time. I kinda liked the mystery. I guess too, I wonder, if being anonymous since March in his postings, is this going to change the blog? If people know who he is, will he sensor himself? That would be a shame. Also, I'm not in London, so I can't hit him up for a beer. I wonder if I donated the most he would fly me over and take me out for lunch... Probably not.
Friday, November 27, 2009
IAB Christmas Party
Thursday, November 19, 2009

It is basically an open forum where people can start a discussion about a subject and then other members can have their say on it. It could be a nice little tester for agencies actually, get a quick sample of the vocal portion of the NZ public and what they think about a campaign, obviously not the most robust of testing, but has to be better than the usual sample of the 5 closest people which seems to happen every once in a while.
My favourite so far are the comments under the 'do you like the new Telecom logo' poll (these are taken straight off the site, I haven't edited or proofed the comments) without a doubt, my favourite comments are #8 & #17:
Yes, it's new and fresh. Clean. Hapy. Not like those awful kiddies blocks they had before in the the yech colours.
The old logo was out of date but the new one seems to have missed by a mile.
Only Telecom voting for themselves could produce this result.
I would love to know how much money they spent on this awful logo! What a waste of money.
Telecom are having a go at recovering the youth market, I like the attempt but doubt it will work.
Blue on white is the new black in the NZ corporate rebrand style guide for 2009
I don't think I'll ever get past Theresa the Terribles reign, but as irritating as it is to admit the logo does seem to represent a new direction.
represents youthfulness and new change in direction - i like it
Looks like a pretty lazy design to me
An improvement on the XT bollicks. What do you people expect from a telecommunications logo? a back rub and a shandy?
Vodafone is just a coma. two degrees is a with a degree thing. t mobile is a t with a squiggle. O2 is an O with a little two. Orange is... well orange.
at least every phone in the world has an asterisk on it.
looks like cat's bum
Telecom have always been seen as the establishment and Vodafone have played on this. they havce said we are younger hipper and more cutting edge technology so Telecom have been playing 2nd fiddle in terms of new customer sign up. With XT and now the new logo Telecom are saying we can compete directly on these fronts, + offer the infrastructure of their landline strength.
It gives the company a rubbish look, in my opinion it looks like something that someone who's new to design has created
I like the logo as an image but have no idea what its supossed to make me feel about Telecom!?
At any rate, its a good site which I will most certainly be adding it to the list of sites I keep an eye on and listening to any discussions being had within the forum.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hold the phone!
I enjoy getting slammed. Keep it coming.
Wait ONE MOMENT. That's not cool. I am not slamming anyone person in particular, simply pointing that I don't think that the creative is effective. My response to this person is in the comments. That is not my point, that is not what has pissed me off.
What do we have here. Yesterday's screen shot:
Monday, November 16, 2009
I can't read it - Fail.
- The black is WAY too heavy for this sort of placement, especially since Stuff is so nice and clean and white these days.
- The 2 logos are tiny. How are you meant to make out either of those? I think the one of the left says 'Lend a Hand' but can't be sure, it might just say 'Lend Hand' which doesn't really make much sense does it? Only reason I know the other is because, luckily, World Vision is a relatively recognisable brand.
- Finally, what is with using the skinniest font that ever lived? At least make it bold, then someone might be able to read it.
More chocolate - give me more

Ages back I wrote a few blogs about Cadbury. Some of it was about it's advertising and what seems to be some confusion around what direction they are going in creatively, but the other part was about the Palm Oil in the chocolate and the spin they tried to put on it.
I have highlighted that once they made the turn on the palm oil situation they started handling things a little better and it would seem that they are now trying to turn the situation around completely.
With my 5 blocks (may have been overkill) of Cadbury "palm oil free" chocolate, I also got a letter:

So what's my point? Do I have one? Probably not.
Cadbury obviously took the time to trawl through Twitter and the blogsphere to identify people who had spoken out about the palm oil situation and were particularly vocal about it. By contacting them, telling them that Cadbury would like them to enjoy the non palm oil chocolate before anyone else, while might not work for all, it is a good way to make the vocal kids feel special and hopefully get them to turn the corner and become advocates.
It seems to have worked, for the most part, thus far.

I guess what I found lacking from the letter was a) a date - I can't stand it when correspondence does not have a date on it. It makes me question how long they have been sitting on it (I know in this case it doesn't matter so much, but it still erks me, it is standard practice) b) while they say that they are telling the rest of the country from Sunday, I haven't seen anything and it doesn't actually say when the chocolate will be rolling out in stores. I guess that it is a hard selling point for them as stores will have stock of the old chocolate, however it would have been an idea to give people an idea of when the chocolate is going to be back in the system.
At any rate Cadbury, well done and thanks for the chocolate. It may have taken a little time, but I am impressed that you're willing to admit your mistakes and rectify them, I can name at least 1 big arrogant NZ organisation who have made some bad decisions recently and won't admit it.
Cadbury chocolate - palm oil free - coming to a store near you, soon.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
AdLand Gossip
Now, I seem to get a good deal of gossip thrown my way - thanks guys - and I had thought about setting up an anonymous blog and twitter account kinda like Mr AdLand Suit would be the way to go. (As a complete aside, if you are in agency land, read this guy's blog, it's pretty spectacular. Only follow him on twitter if you're fine with being slammed with X-Factor tweets on the weekend, its amusing at any rate)

So, being based in Wellington, this is going to have a Wellington skew on it, but, Wellingtonians spend much more time reading my blog than anyone else in NZ (Aucklanders - what's up with your attention span?) so it seems appropriate that it has a Wellington focus.
So, in case you have been living under a rock, this is what I know from the last few months:
Lets start with the banks:
- BNZ has moved its business to Sugar (congrats by the way to the Sugar guys, can you please turn those pigs into bacon? that would be awesome)
- NBNZ has gone from Clems to Draft FCB, with the media with Ogilvy. That was an interesting one actually. So OMD were fired by the client, and then Clems fired NBNZ as a client. Are relationships that bad? All the best to FCB - I'm assuming that the Dec 2010 release of the horse is still in place. Bye bye horse, at least no one is going to paint you anymore.
- ANZ has gone to DDB, sorry M&C
- And all of a sudden ASB is trying to claim they are a 'Kiwi Bank'. Ah, actually, you guys are Australian owned and we have a KiwiBank already. Fail.
- Andrew Stone & Mike O'Sullivan are leaving Saatchi's to set up their own shop?
- Clems have let go 12 (I think) people
- Carat are closing their Wellington and Christchurch offices
- Brent Smart is leaving Colenso BBDO to go to California
- Adam Good is to become the CEO of Aim Proximity
- Last Wellington IAB drinks (sorry - I hate the idea of the DSC and refuse to join, let alone rename what Thirsty Thursday was) there was a number of inappropriate comments from one individual. I'm talking numerous. I got a good deal, however a publisher also got much more than they bargained for whilst talking with this person.
- On top of the inappropriate comments, there was some inappropriate kissing as well. Now, I most certainly could be accused of inappropriate kissing in the past, however I at least TRY to be discreet about it. There was little discretion here and I can't help but wonder, was it a dare?
- Off IAB drinks and onto other gossip, I think many a visitor to Wellington could learn from the next story. Hookers in Wellington cannot be trusted - lets be fair, can hookers anywhere be trusted? - Whether the person in question was tied up, or not conscious, the hookers took their laptop (no doubt wallet too) so when it came to present the next day, this person claimed their gear had been nicked from Mojo - only problem being Mojo has CCTV and there was no footage of this person being in Mojo that morning. Shocker. Why lie about it? At the end of the day, I honestly don't think the people this person had to explain the situation to, wouldn't have understood. I'm quite certain worse things have happened in this beautiful little industry we are in. Own your mistakes, we all fuck up at some point. Sure, some fuck ups are bigger than others, but take responsibility, otherwise how are people meant to respect you?
So there is my round up for the last few months. If you really want to keep up to date, I would suggest daily check ins with or sign up for their emails. While I do enjoy Hazel's pieces, unfortunately they are all too often hidden by subscriber content and she does seem to be ever-so-slightly in a certain large agency's pocket... but that is just my opinion.
Right there you go. Gossip session over. Feel free to add anything I may have left off - you all get the luxury of being able to be anonymous! HOWEVER, I don't want to be done for defamation, so lets leave off names huh?
The agency really worked hard on this one. A pity they were turned down by two other clients before dumping the logo on Telecom